11 June 2010

Homer Meets Rushmore

Like Crazy Horse we found Mt, Rushmore as we came around another sharp bend in the road.  After spending time at Crazy Hourse including a Four Dollar bus trip to the base of the mountain. we decide to push on with a pass to return to see the light show at 9:00pm.  Out lodgings are in Keystone the closes town to Mt. Rushmore, so Homer replotted a course with the help of Gertie and we found ourselfs on a winding road assending  a moutain. Proceeding Homer hypoizied that we were on the backside of the mounaament.  The mountain side did not look like Dr Pages picture but I did not doubt Homer.  Sure enough Mt. Rushmore was ion front of us.  For a few fleeting moments we toyed with the idea of a quick look from the road.  But having come this far and waited this long we had to enter the premises.  Happyly we learned that out ten US dollars buys us a pass for the remainder of 2010.  We took enough picture to make our spouses nuts and tried to send immidaite emails to them and the childern.  But I guess ATT''S map does not include Mt. Rushmores bit Verizons did so Homer was able to announce my arrival to the world.  Tommorw we return for a close inspection and hopefully the light show.


The Voice said...

Love the last picture - but if your head was moved a few inches up it would have looked like Crossett, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln on the mountain. Then again, if you were facing the other direction it would have looked like you were making Mssr. Washington a very happy general.

Rosemarie said...

Congrats!! I'm almost disappointed that you're there already -keep the blog going when you get to Harry Potter's place - I want to hear(and see photos) of that too!
-older and wiser, and inspired! cousin, Rosemarie (we'll miss you at the golf outing!)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Congratulations , Bill! You're living my dream! - Audrey