25 March 2010


Homer, the navigator, has booked flight from the "CUSE" to the Mile High City via the Windy City.  In Denver we pick up the horses and head north to Cheyenne Wyoming and beyond. Turning east someplace to find South Dakota, where the Presidents and Indian Chief  are sculpted in the mountains. Along the way seeking culinary secrets of the territory, whiskey http://www.wyomingwhiskey.com/tours.html and a clean bed. 


whyland said...

Master William on a horse - please oh please be sure to post photos.

W. W. Crossett IV said...

I have reserved a horse named Cadilliac

Susan said...

Dear Homers:
I wish you both a grand trip with lots of fun and no worries. However if you plan any prospecting only bring back diamonds for Lil and me and Lauren too!

Love Susan